Fluid Edge Themes

+39 02 87 21 43 19

Pricing Table

Home  /  Elements  /  Pricing Table
  • Basic Plan
  • $ 20 1 Month
    • Up to 20 Users
    • 2GB Bandwidth Available
    • Free Upgrades and Support
  • 30 $ Basic Plan 1 Month
    • Up to 20 Users
    • 2GB Bandwidth Available
    • Free Upgrades and Support
  • 50 $ Basic Plan 1 Month
    • Up to 20 Users
    • 2GB Bandwidth Available
    • Free Upgrades and Support

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  • 20 $ Basic Plan 1 Month
    • Up to 20 Users
    • 2GB Bandwidth Available
    • Free Upgrades and Support
  • 30 $ Basic Plan 1 Month
    • Up to 20 Users
    • 2GB Bandwidth Available
    • Free Upgrades and Support
  • 50 $ Basic Plan 1 Month
    • Up to 20 Users
    • 2GB Bandwidth Available
    • Free Upgrades and Support

Engineer LC

Hover Box Element

Experience: 1-4 years of Experience

Education: Engineering Graduate

Hover Box Element

Experience: 1-4 years of Experience

Education: Engineering Graduate

Engineer LC

Experience: 1-4 years of Experience

Education: Engineering Graduate

Executive HR

Experience: 1-3 years of Experience

Education : MBA HR/ MLW/ MSW